Daily Greens

kind of human!

The people behind Daily Greens are passionate individuals, deeply devoted to making the world healthier, tastier, and more sustainable.

To them, sustainability means meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. They are constantly exploring and discovering new ways to make life tastier and healthier by integrating fruits and vegetables into everyday life.

They use their knowledge to create the best possible circumstances for their staff, their growers, their crops, our planet—and of course, all of us.

This is why we developed the creative concept for their brand, based on the insight that Daily Greens treats everything—from people to fruits and vegetables—with fairness and respect. This is what makes Daily Greens Kind of Human.

KIND – Kindness exists both within humanity and in their work process.
OF – The entire distribution chain is about caring of and for the people and the world we live in.
HUMAN – No matter where they are in the process, from seed to meal, Daily Greens has a human impact on all fresh produce, bringing skill and knowledge to every step.